
Dr. Michael Bauer

Dr. Michael Bauer enrolled in the Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 1988. After graduation from medical school, he completed a residency in pathology in 1997 at the same institution, followed by a fellowship year in Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Dr. Bauer is board certified in Clinical Pathology and Transfusion Medicine. He served in Michigan, New Jersey, and Colorado as a blood bank physician. Since beginning a private laboratory consulting practice in September of 2000, Dr. Bauer has grown MJB and Associates to one of only a handful of practices that offers CLIA-qualified laboratory directors to clinical laboratories across the United States. He and two other physicians in his practice are CLIA-qualified laboratory directors, licensed in most states, and eligible for licensure in all others. His practice also provides general laboratory consulting and physician of record services.